วันอังคารที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

One Million baht income…Anyone can do it!!

Cream of the CROP “Niti Sawangsap”

One Million baht income…Anyone can do it!!
“…if you thoroughly understand network building technology,
failure is more difficult than making it a success…”
The saying seems to be “ARROGANT” but it is true in the case of

“Niti Sawangsap”,one of “Best Distributors” of Thai Direct Selling Associaltion (TDSA).
At present, he has established himself at a TOP TEN level of Thailand!!!
Though “Niti” is only in his thirties, he has proved himself successful in the network business circle, before stepping up to be “Number One” of an international MLM company, “Agel Enterprise” with the other “8 potent Generals”.

The team has actually grabbed hold of “9” Mercedes Benz ‘right in their own hands,within an extremely short time of less than half a year!!!
Prior to the event, “Niti” had achieved the 120 million baht sales target by the end of the past year and was gaining a momentum to leap to the 700 million baht target by the end of this year!!!
“Agel Mission” is to reclaim “international network” to every corner of the world!!! by opening up new market in Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Japan and Australia, etc.

“Niti Sawangsap’s” self is only
an ordinary man!!!
We begin by retracing to get to “know” “Niti’s” self and background in times of his oblivion “charming youth” up until he becomes a “success person” of today. In fact, in the past, his “attitude” towards network marketing business which was a “tremendously powerful consumer network” in a shallow way and almost an “ANTI” way the reason being … one of the “selling jobs” so it did not fit his “image” and social status he was holding at the time!!!
Since he graduated a “cream” of the class in Bachelor level “Engineering” from the renown so-called “Pink Fence” institution of Chulalongkorn University, he should take up a profession of his child dream by applying into a "Petroleum Engineer” post in a large international enterprise. He thought he was walking on a success track in his dream profession!!!
He accepted that he “closed his mind” to any “selling job” whatsoever!!! Then, no matter how much “Niti” had devoted himself and enjoyed working as “petroleum engineer,” the other side of him began to feel the “failure” because he was “non-human relations” so was unable to “communicate” successfully with his team and effected in jerky “management” and “assignment.”
It was during 1990. “Niti” said “I wanted to correct difficulties in everyday work and brought the issue to an elder engineer. He suggested that I should try marketing or selling something to learn how to communicate and work together with a group of people, but the job should be independent and not permanent. I finally end up at “Amway”, a giant MLM company from the United States.”
Then, though his “mind” was “closed” to any selling job, but finally he “gave in” a little because he wanted to learn the “method” to work with a group of people and learn how to have good “human relations” which was an outstanding characteristic of direct marketing.

Experience distilled into “success system,”
impossible to fail !!!
After that, Niti’s path to success changed forever. Although he did not intend to be “Direct-selling man”, however the charming of network marketing filled in giving what he wanted which was “Financial & Time Freedom.” It grasped him and compelled him to stay there and eventually became his 2nd goal in life.
Not long after that, “Niti” changed dimension in doing direct marketing business by turning himself to an “executive.” At that point, he “realized” that
In fact, “network marketing business” does not have only one “dimension”!!!
Because the business is complicated in itself, it is necessary to have a “system” to mobilize such huge network effectively and efficiently.
10 years passed and it seemed that “Niti” had not gain anything much …
However, at the beginning of a new decade, he announced a new work strategy from experience and what he learned from various “successes” which he then combined into “principles” before selectively utilized in serious practice using “duplication” method regularly and continuously.
“Niti” calls this practice “System to success” or “Niti Formula” which won him the first success on the road of network marketing.
“Niti” became “Millionaire” and was admired as “best independent business owner” by “Thailand’s Direct Sell Association” in 2003 and topmost distributors of “Tahitian Noni”. At the same time, he had started his “3rd dream” which is “INTERNATIONAL NETWORK EMPIRE” by expanding network marketing to Vietnam. That resulted in an increase of sale volume of at least 15 million baht per month!!!

“Network Marketing business”
a road to stability and prosperity!!!
“Niti’s Ready-made formula” or “system to success” may not be very clear at first for many people. Referring to “Simply The Best” or the No.1 team of “Tahitian Noni” in the past, may be able to give a vivid picture of the work of this professional team, of what style of work they had, how they compare to foreign network marketers.
Primarily, “Niti” revealed that the principle is “Activity equals Income” under the environment of duplication until it becomes “basic work.” The team is taught continuously and regularly to do 3 things as follow:
1. Work that increases VOLUME
2. Work that increases DOWNLINES
3. Train your team to do No.1 and 2.
From then on, create “Work” by “Duplication” under environment that “mobilize people” into streams of work, that is, arrange weekly, monthly, four-monthly meetings; with mechanism of setting goals in levels, rewarding for success also in levels and tools in transferring knowledge such as VCD’s and MP3, and books that are screened by “Niti,” etc.
“Most importantly, a Billion baht can come our way if we have enough people sponsoring it and can not come from us alone. We must teach our team to understand that and learn how to make sponsor with us doing remote supervising.”
In the end, “Niti” extends the following suggestions, “Whoever is looking for business channel or wishes to own a business and wants to earn large amount of money at one hundred thousand baht or one million baht, network business can respond to such demand. If only you endure and tolerate with continuous attempts within 2-3 years, this type of business can bring you the stability and prosperity for sure.”

อ้างอิง : นสพ.เส้นทางนักขาย ปีที่ 6 ฉบับที่ 131 ปักษ์แรก ประจำวันที่ 1-15 พฤษภาคม 2551

